Bouz Line Cutter II
Braid & Mono Premium Rigging/Lighter Tool BOUZ LINE CUTTER II Green
The Bouz Line Cutter is one of the most useful pieces of equipment you can have in your tackle box. It is made in Japan and is a great tool for FG knots, PR knots, and many other common fishing knots.
You can cut any line in one shot, as well as it eliminates any sharp ends. The Bouz Line Cutter cuts the line instantly with a torch leaving no fray. It also allows you to burn the end of a mono leader without damaging the leader.
The Line Cutter features a locking mechanism, it is refillable and has an adjustable torch.
Suitable for PE Lines, Mono, and Fluorocarbon.
How to: you just put the line in the little slot, press the lighter, and your line is cut and sealed in one easy step. Also has a variable gas flow control.
Bouz line cutters are not filled up for safety reasons, please only use Butane to refill the cutters.
Butane is not included.
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